Title: Forgiven: A Demon Trapper's Novel ~Book 3
Author: Jana Oliver
Pages: 354
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin 2012
On the Cover ~
Heaven help you if you've lost your heart to hell....
The days are growing darker for seventeen-year-old demon trapper Riley Blackthorne. With her father's reanimated body back safely, Beck barely speaking to her because of a certain hunky fallen angel, and a freshly made deal with Lucifer, she has enough on her hands to last a normal teenage lifetime. Though she bargained with Heaven to save his life, her ex-boyfriend, Simon, has told the Vatican's Demon Hunters that she's working with Hell. So now she's in hiding, at the top of everyone's most-wanted list.
But it's becoming clear that this is bigger than Riley, and rapidly getting out of control: Something sinister is happening in Atlanta...or someone. Caught between her bargain with Heaven and her promise to Lucifer, Riley fears the final war is coming - and it may be closer than anyone things...
So, What did I think?
These book are just so great! I'm definitely a Jana Oliver fan! I can't help but get caught up in the characters and get all emotional. Riley has continued to be a strong minded heroine in every book. I love her independence. No matter what she does, I know that she is going to do what is right.
I can't help but love Beck more and more in each book. His stubborn withdrawal gets frustrating at times but I know he has reason to withhold his emotions towards Riley.
The third book was filled with more kick butt action and intense emotions. There is just so much to say about these books but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone. Definitely find these books and read them!
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